Task 6:Discuss museum visit and topics of interest

Postmodernism exhibition at the V&A

"Postmodernism" the movement of art, which is usually seen as the most controversial of all movements.
I was fascinated by the work that I saw at the V&A. The exhibition was filled with bold and bright designs...not to mention a few very unique styles!

The beautiful image of Grace Jones revised by Jean Paul Goude, automatically caught my eye. I decided to research this image further. Whilst researching, it came to my attention that the position in which Grace Jones is standing in is a ballet move and is known as an Arabesque. It is a known fact..apparently...that this position is not only impressive however is impossible!
So how did Grace Jones do it?
Goude quotes 

"Unless you are extraordinarily supple, you cannot do this Arabesque. The main point is that Grace couldn't do it, and that's the basis of my entire work creating a credible illusion."

Goude photographed Grace Jones in a variety of positions using clear boxes to hold to up her body. He then combined the images in a montage, that created this amazing image. 

If you think, today that could be done in five minutes on photoshop...that just shows the power of the past!

Barney Bubbles-
Armed Forces Album Sleeve for Elvis Castello

For me this work was more inspirational than fascinating. I felt that the concept for an album sleeve to unfold and reveal something special inside was intriguing, in comparison to album sleeves today! (if anybody even buys albums nowadays!)
In my opinion this layout was very interesting and I related it to an idea that Courtney and I had for our RSA leaflets. 
The colours are bright and bold and they draw you in. 
When following up on this work, I came accross the whole album sleeve...back to front...folds to flaps!

The album doesn't open at the side but the four brightly designed flaps unfold.

This then unfolds like origami!!!

How fascinating is that!!

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