Final Major Project

Final Major Project Proposition
In today’s society, it has become more evident that obesity is becoming more of concern than ever before. Yes, everybody loves food! McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, a quick sandwich from Marks & Spencers, however it is only when your in a rush that these places are convenient. Nobody thinks about the calorie content or how unhealthy these meals really are. How about when you’ve had a stressful day at work, its already late and you haven’t yet eaten?, Generally, people will go to their local convenience store and grab a ready made meal. It is known that in the UK the amount of ready made meals purchased has grown substantially within the last few years.
It has been made a legal requirement to add the calorie content on the front of all food products. However, who really looks at the chart and tries to work out what is healthy? Nobody because it takes time and effort in which defeats the whole point of ‘fast food or ‘ready meals’. People nowadays feel that ready made meals are convenient and cost-saving. Yes, they maybe cheap and cheerful, however, wouldn’t you rather save your weight than your money! If trends continue, it has been reported that half of UK men and women could be obese by 2030. Researches say that there will be a drastic increase to 26million people in 2030 from 15million people currently being classed as obese. That is a 73% rise in obesity.
I strongly belive that many people will be influenced on what food they buy due to the packaging of the content and how they are presented. Packaging has always been a passion of mine, and I wish to integrate my strong interest with the increasing problem within society today. With a lot of thought and personal research, I feel that’ if I was to design food packaging with a specific colour code, in which would represent ‘healthy’, ‘moderately healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ food products. This new design will be easier for consumers to determin what is exceptable to eat more regularly than other food products. Im not neccesarily going to create a new brand for just healthy eaters, this concept is all about helping consumers to understand what can be eaten more often or what should be eaten in moderation. If the packaging stands out and is colour coded in an appropriate way, I feel that this could be the way forward to helping consumers create a healthy and balanced diet for themselves as well as converting food shopping into a fun experience rather than a chore.
I plan to create a new brand to help consumers determine which food products can be eaten more often and which products should be eaten less frequently. This will be done by designing packaging that can make a difference. There is already a legal requirement that calorie contents needs to be printed on the front of all food products however, I feel that not many people take much notice of this, simply due to the size of the guidline.
 The packaging that I will design will be colour coded to make it easier for consumers to understand what is classed as healthy, medium healthy and unhealthy, as opposed to the small calorie key that is currently being used. I will be doing research on colours, that would be seen as most effective in helping consumer associate with ‘healthy’, ‘moderately unhealthy’ and ‘unhealthy’. For example, a salad would be classed as relatively healthy so therefore the packaging would be green (if this is the chosen colour to represent healthy foods). If another food product is classed as very unhealthy and should not be eaten as a regular meal everyday it could  be red, for example.
I feel that this concept will help consumers understand what should be eaten in moderation and what should be eaten more frequently. I also feel that the packaging will be looked at in more detail as opposed to the calorie content currently being used in which consumers don’t take much notice of. I aim to make the design on the packaging distinctive, and to stand out on the shelves. This is what will make my brand stand out from its competitors.
I will then set up a health campaign using my packaging, to get the idea marketed and more familiar within the public.
To explore current food labels and whether they are actually used by consumers, such as the calorie content key and colour coding.
2.     To explore the effects of colour and their connection with psychology.
3.      To research about obesity and health trends in the UK today.
4.     To explore local supermarkets and what they use within their own branding.
5.     To research current food packaging, helping me to design an innovative way of thinking.
6.     To create effective and innovative packaging by being creative, imaginative and unique.
7.     To develop a dynamic visual approach to my proposition, in order to help consumers understand what should and should not be eaten regularly.
8.     To develop an effective campaign in order to make consumers aware they are not alone, and that there are food products that are just as good as others with less calories.
9.     To aim for my brand to establish itself as a market leader.
       Target audience/market
        My particular design would of course be aimed at everyone. However, the specific target audience would be aimed at people who are or want to be conscious of their weight. Not necessarily only healthy eaters but those who also enjoy to indulge on slightly more unhealthy food products. This is because  my product range would include food that is not the most healthiest, however, will be colour coded to show that the food is not healthy. This is important because consumers should know that in order to have a healthy balanced diet you must incorporate all sorts of food within your diet. However, it is important to chose to eat unhealthy food in moderate and less frequently.
 Another specific target audience would be those consumers who are obsessed by calorie counting. My packaging will show what they can consume by staying within their calorie count. My idea of colour coded packaging will inform people of the fact that if you do choose to eat a particular food that is classed as unhealthy then you should eat this in moderation. Consumers will be aware of the fact that the particular food should not be part of your everyday food consumption the food presented as unhealthy should be eaten as a treat once in a while rather than as an everyday meal.
 The big idea
My plan is to get the community that we live in today more familiar with the calorie intake in their daily diets. If consumers take more notice of this by taking into consideration my packaging and the design of it then the there will be less cases of obesity. Of course its not to say that just food will affect your weight, exercise also needs to be done, however, the initial base is to start with calorie intake, which is where I truly believe my packaging can make a difference to consumers calorie intake.
My competitors would be a majority of the food industry, such as companies that make ready made meals, cakes, chocolates etc. I will be colour coding healthy, moderatly healthy and unhealthy foods. This is to say that foods that contain a large amount of calories would be colour coded using the colour red for example, to show high risk/these foods should not be part of your everday diet. For example, a company such as Mr Kiplings, that produce just cakes, the packaging would be colour coded red. This means that if consumers start taking their diet more seriously they will avoid buying 3 or 4 packs of cakes and possibly buy 1 if not any, which could result to serious consequences for that particular company, business will go down however, obesity will also go down.
 SWOT analysis
-              My idea is an attempt to decrease obesity, as I am focusing on a current problem that is continually growing.
-               My concept is focusing on packaging and therefore, is being a physical change to what is already in the shops today. This is an advantage because it will not only be eye-catching, but will also be of interest to consumers as they will be intrigued to see what its all about.
-               My idea will help consumers structure their diets. This is because their daily shopping can consist of a range of food, i.e. unhealthy food can be eaten in moderation, whereas healthy food can be eaten more regularly.
-              The concept could be unclear at the start, and to avoid this I would need to market my idea by campaigns and leaflets to make the public aware of how this idea is beneficial to the public.
-              Competitive pressure from the food industry, leading to loss of purchases due to colour coded packaging in order to lower unhealthy eating.
-               A majority of people tend to stick to what foods they are comfortable with and trust, therefore by introducing a new brand and way of eating maybe difficult for people to adapt to.
 -           This idea is a key for survival for consumers to help decrease obesity for the future.
-            I believe that my idea may change consumer preferences increasing demand for a more healthy life style, as opposed to eating processed and ready made meals on a daily basis.
-            My idea will promote a new way of shopping, in order for consumers to gain a balanced diet.
This is a new idea, therefore, people may not understand the meaning behind the colour coded system. This may result to consumers not buying the food products according to the amount of calories in each food product. This therefore defeats the aim of my idea. In order for consumers to understand the aim of the packaging it is important that campaigns and leaflets, giving out information are carried forward.
 Design Element
 In order to get my idea across I need to have a variety of design elements, in order for my concept to be effective. Below is a list of design elements that I will be thinking about in order to get my big idea across to consumers.
-       Brand Identity
      Logo design
Marketing collateral (leaflets, posters and campaigns explaining the concept)
Apparel design (clothing that may be worn by employers to get consumers attention about the importance of my concept)
Website layout that could be potentially incorporated in major grocery stores, in order for consumers to order online.

My Time Schedule



Colour Psychology

My idea is all about choosing an appropriate colour scheme for my packaging to help consumers understand a balanced diet. As the main element to my concept is to do with colour, I have researched the psychology of colour. I have also conducted questionnaire, asking people’s opinion on what colours they perceive with healthy, balanced, and unhealthy food products. All this information will help me to decide on an appropriate colour scheme for my packaging.

The psychology of colour is based on the mental and emotional effects that certain colours have on people in everyday life. I believe that colour is a powerful psychological tool within the packaging industry. The colours that I will be using will be based on what can be eaten on a regular basis and what should be eaten in moderation.  The message I am trying to convey to my target market, is to do with health and well being, in order to portray this positive and relevant message, appropriate colours need to be chosen. I also want to create a fresh and vibrant feel for my brand to encourage sales. Once I have chosen my colour palate I will be testing them on my target market, to determine its success and to make any relevant changes.
I discovered that there are commonly noted psychological effects of colour, which relates to two main categories, warm and cool colours. Warm colours such as yellow, reds and oranges, tend to spark a variety of emotions ranging from comfort and warmth to hostility and anger. Cool colours such as greens, blue and purples often create feelings of calmness. Below I have gathered research on colours and how people perceive these colours on a day-to-day basis; this will help me get an insight of what could be used as my colour palette to portray my idea in a successful way.

When I asked my target audience how they perceived the colour white, they all mentioned that they relate it to innocence, purity and new beginnings. White represents cleanliness, equality, efficiency and simplicity. The colour white is also used in numerous health professions for example doctors, nurses and dentists. By adding specific colours to white it can create a number of different messages, for example adding red with white suggests excitement and draws attention to the products. Yellow implies a light-hearted, happy and fun message.

The colour black is known to symbolize power, control and authority. My target audience mentioned that black adds mystery, looks great with other colours, such as pink and lime green. It was mentioned that black used in packaging could make the product look elegant and classy. Black is also associated with anger and evil.
Physiologically, black can be seen as an intimidating and controlling colour. However the power of black can also instill confidence in some. It is know that black in small quantities can add strength to a product. Black mixed with other colours such as red, emerald green, magenta, blue, gold, silver or white can create a dramatic impression.

Green is represents balance and harmony of the mind. Many people mentioned that green is associated with healthy eating, wealth, growth and security. However it was mentioned that green is linked with jealousy. Although I got a similar response that green should be used as the colour for healthy eating, I want to make my concept stand out from the crowd. If green is used it will be very similar to a vast amount of healthy eating products and concepts already on the market. It was mentioned that muted greens are often related with the environment and mid greens are generally used for organic and ecological products. It came to my attention that all green foods, such as salad, broccoli, beans, peas etc. all prevent cancer if eaten regularly.
I understood that when my target market sees green packaging, they automatically relate it to healthy food products. Although green would be the obvious choice for the products that are healthy, I want to stay away from the norm as my packaging needs to grab attention.

Many people claimed that blue relates to strength, calmness and trust. It was mentioned that blue should not be used on food packaging as it could be perceived as an unnatural colour in foods, however whilst researching I came across that blue foods such as blueberries help protect memory and motor function as you age. It is also known that it helps fight cancer and heart disease, therefore the colour blue defiantly relates to strength. I believe that different shades of blue capture a variety of messages to buyers. It is known that the younger market perceives the colour blue to be for more mature people. However, universally, blue is the most liked colour by both males and females and therefore is a relatively safe colour to use. This could therefore mean that it’s a very predictable and could be perceived as boring.

Psychologically, the colour red symbolizes energy, action, passion, excitement and strength. Many people perceive the colour red to be a warning sign. I also discovered that red encourages buyers to take action and make a purchase. It is known that using red in large amounts is effective in promoting products or services related to food and appetite, energy, passion or speed.  However, I want to stay away from the norm, by using red as a warning for unhealthy food. My reason behind this is because red foods actually lower the risk of heart disease, prostate cancer and other types of cancer.

My target audience believed that yellow was linked to happiness, sunshine and good times. It was also associated with laughter. It is a known fact that when a person is surrounded by the colour yellow it makes them feel optimistic as the brain actually releases more serotonin! However I discovered that a brighter shade of yellow represents flames, and studies have proven that babies cry more in a bright yellow room. The colour yellow also has the power to speed up metabolisms and bring out creative thoughts. Yellow foods such as corn and bananas protect against macular degeneration, which is a cause of blindness in the elderly.
Yellow should be used if you want people to keep moving. A majority of people is unable to stay in a room where there is a lot of yellow. This is why a majority of fast food outlets use yellow and red, in order to encourage people to eat lots quickly and to carry on moving. In a retail store there are many distraction, however the eye always sees yellow first and therefore it is the best colour to use in promoting point of sales purchases. It is known that yellow should not be used to see expensive items to men, as they perceive it as cheap and unsophisticated.

Orange is often perceived as a fun, energetic and happy colour. It is usually associated with organic products and ambition. The orange in food products such as carrots and sweet potato’s help prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol and helps reduce the risk of strokes. The colour orange is also known to have an effect on our minds that relate to issues of physical comfort, such as food, warmth and sensuality.

Purple was perceived as a royal colour and was generally associated with prosperity, wealth and sophistication. It is known that purple stimulates the brain activity used in problem solving. When purple is used in a common setting, it is seen as artificial. The purple in grapes helps to prevent heart disease.
Physiologically, purple is known to heighten people’s sense f beauty and their reaction to more creative ideas.
Purple is often used to denote a quality or superior product such as Cadbury’s chocolate.
Purple is often connected with the 18-25 year old market, as they perceive it as a sexy and rebellious colour. Combining other colours such with purple, such as gold, turquoise, magenta etc. creates a unique and contemporary look.

Whilst conducting my questionnaire, I wanted my target audience to think about colours other than green, amber and red in order to represent healthy, medium, unhealthy foods. I was quite surprised that many people had the same opinions on different colours representing these foods. For example 29% of my target market all shared the opinion that lime green could represent healthy food products. Usually it is a dark green that most people link to healthy eating, as salad and vegetables are mostly green. However, whilst researching the meaning of lime green, I discovered that it represents something new and fresh. It is also known that lime green creates anticipation of the potential of what is on offer. 18 % also believed that turquoise could represent healthy eating. However 33% believed that turquoise would be more appropriate to use for medium healthy foods. I also believe that turquoise would be more appropriate to use for medium healthy, as I found out that turquoises relates to balance, which is the idea of medium healthy foods. 22% linked medium healthy foods with the colour orange.  I can see why a majority of people chose orange, as it is quite close to amber that is used currently. For unhealthy foods, 25% of people believed that red relates to unhealthy foods, and also magenta. Magenta is from the pink family, which is red and white mixed together. the 25% of people who thought magenta was more appropriate than red, explained that red is used with warning signs, however red meats are very healthy for you. Many people also believed that red is linked with passion and energy, which is also what I discovered whilst researching colours within psychology. The highest percentages for each food category are as follows:
Healthy-Lime green
Medium Healthy-Turquoise

I believe that all these colours work together as well as working with their individual category. I will experiment with these colours whilst designing my logo. 

Below are the charts to show the results from the questions asked.
What colour do you relate with healthy foods?
What colour do you relate with medium healthy foods?
What colour do you relate with unhealthy foods?

Logo Designs

Below are a few initial logo designs.

Primary Research ongoing:
Today I contacted Vicky Harold from about balancing calories on a regular basis. She explained that no food is unhealthy. Some foods need to be eaten occasionally. She explained that my idea was a good idea, however, in order for my packaging to be a success I need to be clear on the fact that there are no foods that are unhealthy. It is the quantity in which certain foods are consumed that makes them unhealthy. The categories I have currently are - healthy, medium healthy, unhealthy. In order for consumers not to feel that certain foods are unhealthy I have decided to change the categories to regular, in moderation, occasionally. This then shows consumers that all foods are ok to eat, however the categories show what can be eaten more regularly, and what should be eaten occasionally. Vicky Harold also mentioned that I could have groups of  the packaging shown for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks to show what a whole days balanced diet could consist of. It was very useful to get her opinion on my idea, and she managed to give me some insight on calories and diet. She also mentioned that being honest about calories is a must. On certain packaging it shows the calorie content of the food product before being cooked on the back and on the front it shows the calorie content after being cooked. The calories before being cooked is always more, and therefore doesn't show the consumer an accurate and honest content. 

I will be contacting other nutritionists in order to get their opinions on my concept. I will also be taking photographs of products that already exist regarding to a balanced idea, to get an insight of how they have shown their calorie content. 

Existing Products

Nutrition Labels:
Nutrition labels are used to help consumers choose between products and to keep a check on the amount of foods high in fat, salt and added sugars.
Pre-packed foods have nutrition labels on the back or side of the packaging. These labels include information on energy (calories), protein, fats and carbohydrates. Additional information such as sugars, sodium, salt, fiber and saturated fats are also included on these labels.
In order to make this information more visible, some supermarkets and food manufactures repeat calorie information on the front of the packaging. This is called the traffic light coding system. It is not a legal requirement to have this on the front of all packaging.
Nutrition labels are used in order to help consumers choose a balanced diet, which consists of reducing fat, salt and added sugars. Meals should be based on starchy foods, such as bread, pasta and rice.
It is always beneficial to have a diet, which includes wholegrain foods. Fruit and vegetables should also be eaten at least five times a day, if not more. Protein-rich foods such as fish, pulses, meat and dairy foods should also be included in a balanced diet.
Whilst researching the nutrition labels used on food products, I found it very hard to read and understand. The idea is very useful however I felt that the label is very confusing. I believe that nutrition labels are very useful to consumers, however if the label was colour coded or made more appealing to consumers it might be used more often.

The traffic light calorie coding nutrition label, found on the front of the packaging allows consumers to determine whether certain foods have high, medium and low amounts of fat, saturate fat, sugars and salt, at a glance.
Green means low, amber means medium and red means high. If a product has more green lights it is a healthier option. If the majority of lights are amber, the food product is neither high nor low in calories, which indicates that consumers are able to eat these foods a majority of the time. Red lights indicate that the food is high in fat, sugars and salt and therefore should be consumed in moderation.
Whilst conducting my questionnaire I asked my target audience whether they though the traffic light coding system is effective. A majority of people claimed that they do not pay much attention to it. Others claimed that it is a good concept, however if made more obvious using vibrant colours it could b more effective. It was also obvious from analyzing my results that one of the reasons why people don’t take much notice of the calorie content is due to sizing on the packaging. The concept is there, however if made more urban it would attract consumers.
This is why I believe that my idea could be successful. My concept is to make consumers aware what foods can be eaten on a daily basis and in moderation by using bright vibrant colours.

 Family Fresh

A new concept that I came across whilst researching existing products was the Family Fresh Market. This idea is about helping consumers get into a well-balanced program. The concept is to use tags on all food products that are related to appropriate health attributes. For example foods that contain no gluten have a yellow sticker that has printed “gluten free”. All organic items have green tags, 100& fruit juices have orange tags, low sodium items have aqua tags, heart healthy products have pink tags, calcium foods have blue tags, fiber content is labeled using a gold tag and low saturate food has a purple tag. All foods that are tagged heart healthy are all low in fat, cholesterol and sodium levels.

Logo Development:

After receiving feedback from Peter, I worked on developing my initial logo's, taking elements from certain logo's and incorporating them within my other logo's.
Page 1: Bottom left balAnce logo could try in different typefaces and weights.
Page 3: Figure works really well.
Page 4: Bottom of B4L logo's work really well. Incorporate with figure.
Page 5: Solution works, try with p4 logo's. Try balance4life in solid type. Try B4R in orange.

Research mood boards

I went out to photograph some existing packaging and to get some inspiration on colour schemes. I went to Marks & Spencers, Waitrose and Tesco. It was interesting to see that the colour scheme I had chosen is very trendy at the moment. A majority of packaging consisted of oranges, blues, pinks and lime greens. It was interesting to see how some packaging had complex designs and others where very trendy. I believe that packaging does have an effect on consumers, and the packaging needs to be attention grabbing. Below are 3 mood boards to show my research.

Taking inspiration from Vicky Harold, from weight I decided that I would categorise foods for breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, snacks and drinks using my categories B4R, B4M, B4O. I will go on to design the packaging for a selection of these foods for each category. If Balance4Life was to become a popular idea and supermarkets wanted to use my packaging, I would have an aisle dedicated to this brand. There would be 6 sections, which would be for breakfast, lunch etc and the appropriate food would be found under each section, whether it can be eaten regularly, moderately or occasionally. This would make food shopping a lot easier and more enjoyable for consumers, as they would not need to go from one end of the shop to the other. It would also stand out from the crowd as it is separated from its competition. This is an advantage because if my products where alongside other brands, consumers may either ignore my brand or choose another brand. I believe that this would allow an innovative way for consumers to do their food shopping. 

Below I have designed brainstorms using my categories and incorporating foods for individual meals, such as breakfast,lunch and dinner etc. 








Finalising My Colour Palette

I am having trouble to decide which colours to choose for my finalised logos. Below are 2 different colour schemes. The designs on the right hand side are the colours that my target audience all mentioned in my questionnaire. On the left hand side I have changed the turquoise to orange. I want my  designs to stand out, look fresh and vibrant. So I aiming towards neon colours. I personally believe that the lime, orange, magenta logo's work really well together and relate to their categories. 

What will be packaged?

For my FMP, I will be designing and making a few package designs for certain food products in the three different categories. Today I have chosen certain food products and recipes that could be apart of a balanced diet. Not only is my idea innovative, I have also included a new range of salads etc that will be packaged. I believe that if there is an interesting new salad available for a lunch meal, that consumers are able to eat regularly, they are more likely to choose that over a bacon, chicken mayo sandwich, which should be consumed occasionally.

My packaging mood board

Just a random poster I was playing around with to gain inspiration on colours for my packaging!

Initial Package Designs

In order to create a vibrant, urban and fresh look for my packaging I believe that black allows the colours that I have chosen for each category to stand out. Black is a rich colour and symbolises power, control and authority. Using black will allow my packaging to stand out from the crowd. Black and neon colours is very trendy in the packaging industry and I believe it works well with my concept. In my research I found that black can make a product look elegant and classy. I believe that choosing black with the neon colours for my categories creates a dramatic impression to the consumers and will attract them from a distance. 

Below is a small selection from B4L range. I will be developing these designs and creating more designs for other food products. I aim to design at least 3 to 4 package designs for each meal of the day. I will then get these printed to get consumers opinions on the package design. 

Breakfast Range



Lunch range

-Pasta salad selection

After gaining feedback from my crit, I made a few changes and have started to think about how I will be presenting my work for my Final.

I came to the conclusion, that as I have three categories and three colours within my concept, I felt that the most appropriate way to present my work to keep my idea consistent, would be to present my progress within 3 stages. 

1. Research
2. Design
3. Marketing

The journey that I have taken on my Final Major project will be presented within three books, with the above processes. By the end of the project, I will have 3 books, 3 categories, 3 colours and a variety of packaging that I will have designed and made. I will also design leaflets and posters in order to make consumers aware of my concept. 

I have been working on my 3 books, and have almost completed book 1 and 2. Each book will have the same layout, however will be colour co-ordinated, to show my concept.

I have made the relevant changes to my designs and now I will be focussing on how I would put my idea forward to the public, by use of marketing skills. 


I created the net on illustrator using all the correct measurements in order to print out the packaging and make it before my final. This was done to see whether any changes needed to be made to the design, to get an idea of what paper it should be printed on, and to show my target market and get their opinions on my designs. 

Edited design

For my final, I will be making at least three of the packaging in order to show my idea. I will most probably stick to the porridge packaging, therefore once I have created the nets for the packaging I will post them on my blog.

I designed the packaging using other colour scheme, however when I asked my target audience, they all felt that the black worked best as it is contrasting with the bright vibrant colours. 

Final Packaging

For my final, I decided to design 3 different types of packaging in order for my concept to become clearer. I designed 3 porridge packagings(B4R, B4M and B4O), 3 granola bars (B4R, B4M and B4O), 1 semi skimmed milk (B4M) and 1 pasta salad (B4O). 


I believe that once you’ve got a brand, including all the design elements that meet the criteria of the relevant target audience, it’s not enough!

In order for my concept to be a success, it needs to be promoted in an appropriate way. 
Consumers will understand my concept once it has been explained by  appropriate marketing tools.

In order for my marketing to be a success, it is important to promote Balance4Life in a vibrant and clear way. consistency, and to make the brand noticable to consumers. This will be done in order to add  
My plan is to communicate Balance4Life to my target audience by use of posters, leaflets, promotional packs, business cards and web design. 
Balance4Life is a new concept, it has a modern, sleek and urban style and therefore this needs to be portrayed within the marketing. 

Research on the marketing mix

Within marketing includes four crucial aspects most commonly described as the four p’s or the marketing mix. 

These include:


opportunities of the new enterprise. The price will reflect the quality of the 
This involves the price of the product in which will affect the marketing
product and takes into account how much people would be willing to pay to buy the product. 

In terms of B4L – The range would be priced according to mid-range. Prices would remain competitive, however they would not be overpriced or 
underpriced.  On average breakfast products such as porridge range from &1.50- £4.00. Which means I would price my cereals etc at £2.65.  


This involves the actual product itself. For examoke, what is the purpose of the product? How will people benefit from buying the product and mainly why you chose to design and create the new eneterprise. The product is usually the most important aspect to marketing as it is the product in which the consumers will be buying and enjoying in order to fulfil the purpose of the product. Therefore, it is essential that the product is new, fresh and eye catching to consumers. 

In terms of B4L - the products that have been designed are a range of foods that should be eaten regularly, in moderation and occasionally. These categories are determined by a vibrant colour coding system, that remains 
consistant throughout the packaging. There are three colours, (green, orange and magenta) three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and three logos (B4R-regular, B4M modertion and B4O occasionally. 

Balance4Life has set out a daily 
allowance, which is what should be consumed from each category to keep a balanced diet.  (5 portions of B4R, 3 portions of B4M and 1 portion of B4O.) It does not matter when the consumer chooses to eat the particular foods products, however this needs to be kept consistant throughout the daily intake of food. I also incorporated a new menu for the three meals, in order to make my concept more innovative. It is not to say that if a particular food product should be consumed regularly, then it has no flavour or is seen a bland. Many people perceive the fact that certain foods are unhealthy, this is not the case and it is due to how much of a certain food product is eaten. For example a 
doughnut. If a doughnut is consumed daily in a week, it is unhealthy, 
however one doughnut is not unhealthy.  A balance needs to be made between certain foods products, and this is why I feel my concept works. 


Place usualy would include the location of where the product would be sold in order to effectivley fulfil its purpuse and be available to consumers. In other words the location of the product is essential reflecting the quality of the product. 

However, in terms of B4L I will be 
explaining where my product would be in the actual supermarket. I would hope for B4L products to be sold within the UK at various different locations 
however it is where the products would be in the shops which I feel to be 
important.  In order to keep with my theme of innovative, I would have an aisle specially for B4L, where all my products would be found. This would make the consumers shopping 

would be divided and in one ailse.  This therefore allows the consumer to work out what meals they want to keep regular, in moderation and occasional. It also allows the consumer to see the whole range in one place rather than dotted around the supermarket. I believe that this is a good layout system for my brand, however one disadvantage of this would be that is detracts slightly from competetion. Once Balance4Life has become a known brand and is 
experience easier. I believe that this would have an effective response as everything that is need for all three 
understood by the consumers, I would have a shop dedicated just to B4L food products. This could also include cooking demonstrations and could be seen as a fun and different way to shop.

B4L products will also be accessible online,


This involves how the product is to be sold in order to attract consumers. For example, the design of the product, the colours involved and how the product looks as a whole.

I have designed leaflets in order for consumers to read and understand my concept. Following through the colour scheme throughout my project, I have designed a few leaflets, as shown below. 

Before printing this leaflet, I edited the back, as shown below.

After printing the leaflet out, it allowed me to make relevant changes, in order for certain information to stand out and for the overall look to be less crowded. I made these changes and printed it out again. 

I decided to make the whole of the inside black, in order for the wirting to be more noticeable. 

After printing for the second time, I decided to make some changes to my logos. I decided to make regular, moderation and occasionally enlarged so it was more visible. I also decided to change the front of the leaflet by enlarging the balance4life logo and getting rid of the three small logos at the bottom of the page. For the back of the leaflet I decided to reverse out the words, regular, moderation and occasionally on each relevant colour in white. Where the three logos are to represent which foods can be consumed regularly, in moderation and occasionally I added the new logos. This now will be my final Leaflet of my project. 

New Logos

Poster Design

Below are a range of poster designs to show my concept. 

Poster 1:
In my opinion, I feel that this poster is to busy, and your eye cannot focus on one point.

Poster 2:

I will be developing these posters for my final. Although they are too similar, I will try to incorporate this style within a range of posters that portray my concept in a more effective way. 

Poster 3

I feel that this poster tells the consumer my idea in an effective way, however there is too much going one. I prefer the large logo on the side and therefore will incorporate a similar layout within my final posters. 

After using elements from above, I have designed my 4 posters. The first poster shows my whole concept, incorporating the main logo for my brand, and the three separate logos below. 
The 2nd poster shows the meaning behind B4R. In order for the consumers to understand, I have used my Logo to portray which colour represents regular, in moderation and occasionally, by repeating the relevant logo a certain number of times.
The regular logo has been repeated the most, as this signifies food that should be eaten regularly.
The moderation logo, has been repeated less, as this is food that can be consumed moderately.
The occasionally logo has been used the least amount of times as this signifies food that should only be eaten occasionally. 

Business cards

Business cards have been designed because I believe that they are one of the most powerful advertising tools available. I usually pick up a business card if I think it looks interesting or grabs my attention.

Business cards are known to be convenient and they fit in your wallet. If somebody does not take a leaflet they are more likely to take a business card.

The business card has customer services details and website details for consumers to look at if they are interested in this concept and feel they want to learn more about this idea. 

Promotional Pack

I felt it was important to have promotional packs that can be given out to consumers to gain information about how Balance4Life works. 

Within these packs, there would be a leaflet, a business card, a promotional poster, that has information about the scheme on the back, and samples menu's. 

These packs would be handed out at events, or could be ordered online. 

Website Design

This website would be mosty to inform consumers of how B4L works and the purpose of why this concept has been 


It would list the range of products within each category, including products that are in stores, and also recipes in order to make meals to fit within the categories.


Although this website would be used mostly to give consumers information on how this concept works, I believe it is important for consumers to also purchase products online. This allows a wider demographic to use the website, as it could be usefull for people who are in full time work to also maintain a balance diet with a click on a button. 
Within this category can be found insurance schemes. Many insurance policies ask whether customers maintain a healthy diet. I could introduce a insurancre scheme where if you 
maintain a balance diet, using B4L products a decreased payment would be introduced. 


The events page would give information about seminars taking place, and cooking demostrations in order to get the 
community involved by maintaing a balanced diet. 


Once developed, B4L would introduce schemes, such as 
balance schemes. Helping consumers to maintain their 
balanced diets. Another scheme that could be introduced would be an insurance scheme. 
Many insurance companies nowadays always ask whether the customer is healthy and active. An idea for Balance4Life could be that if the customer takes part in a balanced diet by using B4L products, than a reduced payment could be 
incorporated as part of their insurance policy. Not only are you gaining a balanced diet, however you are getting a reduced price for life insurance.  

Below are my three books to show my progress. 

Vol 1. Research

Open publication - Free publishing - More b4l

Vol 2. Design

Open publication - Free publishing - More b4l

Vol 3. Marketing

Open publication - Free publishing - More b4l

Critical Reflection