Critical Debates In Design

Task 9:

Ten Things I've Learnt!

Below is a poster i designed stating 10 things I've learnt on my journey through critical debates.
Task 8: 

Sustainable Design

Sustainable design also known as eco-design has an impact on our everyday surroundings from urban design, graphic design, architecture to landscape. I believe that intentions of sustainable design is to eliminate negative environmental impact through possibly skilful and sensitive design. Beyond this, sustainable design should create projects that are meaningful and that can shift behaviour. It's known that a dynamic balance between the economy and society, intended to generate long-term relationships between users and object/services and to be respectful and mindful of the environmental and social differences. 

Design thinking

Design thinking is best described as the methods and processes that designers undertake when investigating a problem and analysing knowledge. It is a style of thinking and is generally considered as the ability to combine empathy for the context of a problem, creativity in the generation of solutions and rationality to analyse and fit solutions to the context.

The Fourth Order of Design

Whilst researching the fourth order of design I came across Richard Buchanan. It is known that he developed this scheme whilst at Carnegie Mellon University. He was head of the school of design. The orders of design roughly correspond to the domains in which design has been perceived to apply, which is gradually expanding over the course of the 20th and 21st Century. The orders are as shown below. 

1. Symbol
2. Object
3. Action
4. Thought

Task 7: 


What is the role of advertising?

In Task 6 I wrote about the power of packaging. I believe that this plays a large part in advertising, I also believe that graphics needs advertising and advertising needs graphics!
In today's society I believe that advertising plays a big part in our everyday life. The forced of advertising reaches out and touches everyone living and working in the modern world. It is known that advertising is designed to shape and influence us. Ranging from the correct model for beauty to the right kind of education. 

What make an advert effective?

I believe that good ads are successful when the audience is captivated immediately. These ads are attention grabbing, funny and unusual. The ad needs to be memorable and stick in your mind. It needs to get the audience talking!

Take for example the Evian Advert. This is my favourite advert. It features roller-skating babies in nappies and vests performing skating stunts to hip-hop music. It is known that the advert was watched over four million times just on YouTube in only one week!

Clever ads-that caught my attention!

Task 6: 

Product packaging

What is the role if packaging?

1. To sell the product
2. To protect the product
3. To facilitate the use of the product

Packaging on a shelf has less than 3 seconds to grab the attention of a consumer. Those 3 seconds are very important when you consider that more than 70% of purchasing decisions are made at the shelf.

Designing packaging graphics

It is known that designers have 2 key tools to grab the consumers attention: structure and graphics.

Packaging graphics must do more than simply look pretty! The design needs to attract the potential buyers, once this is done the design can't stop working. Designers then need to make sure they convey the relevant information. 


What does everyone always remember about a brand? COLOUR! for example Cadbury's Dairy Milk is purple, Coca-cola is red and Guiness is famous for its black and cream colour scheme. 
Colour makes a product recognisable and is an important fat or to design. Simple colour schemes tend to be the most effective. If multiple colours on packaging are used it could be distracting to the customer and costly to produce. 


structure can serve multiple purposes:
1. To create shelf standout and sell the product
2. To protect the product
3. To prolong the life of the product
4. To facilitate the use of the product
5. To reassure customers that it's part of a familiar range

Innovative and enticing packaging shapes are designed using computer modelling and CAD visuals before mock-ups are made.

Creating Standout 

Protecting the product

Making the product easier to use

Today we have gotten accustomed to taking our reusable bags to the supermarket, however there hasn't been a shift towards reducing packaging ob the items that we put into our shopping bags. All that plastic and cardboard adds up to carbon footprint.


This is to do with poor measurement by manufacturers and a lack of life cycle analysis that measures the carbon footprint of packaging. Groups such as the sustainable packaging coalition are working in order to change this. Software called COMPASS has been developed which helps designers and companies weigh the environmental impacts of their packaging.

below are some examples of packaging that attracted my eye within 3 seconds

Luxury packaging

Fun packaging

Task 5:

Two designers that I consider to have strong ethics and a socially responsible approach to their design concept work

Design today is not only powerful however does have a social impact in our everyday lives. Whilst researching designers who have strong ethics and a social approach in their design concept I came across two design agencies,  Zerofee and Thomas Mathews.


Zerofee is an ethical design agency who create usual identity and design for print and digital media. Zerofee also donate design work to charities and good causes. The also state that they do not use their skills to support brands/companies that they feel could have a negative impact on the world. Zerofee make it very clear that they have strong views about putting profit before people, which they feel is wrong and unethical. 

below are some example of Zerofee's designs and work. 

MeshMinds is an exclusive social network for city based people who engage in creative pursuits outside their professional work. 

TRAIDremade Identity scheme is an award-winning recycled fashion label. 

Thomas Mathews

Thomas Mathews is a leading practice in the field called sustainable communications. Sustainability and design communication strategies are enforced using effective mediums in order to reach the appropriate target market. These communication designers always have sustainability in mind, whether it's designs for branding, creative campaigns for digital strategy and environments or way-finding signage. 

Below are some examples

Butterfly: they developed a collection of sustainably produced products to be marketed within the on-site shop. 

Task 4:

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate social responsibility is about understanding your business impact on the wider world and how you are able to use this impact in a positive way. This could be for example, being perceived as a responsible company by customers.  This then allows you to a build a reputation as a responsible business. Companies favour suppliers who demonstrate responsible policies.

For me it is important for a company to have a responsible attitude, such as diversity and equal opportunities, supporting staff and providing learning an development activities. I feel that River Island has a meaningful CSR. After researching River Island CSR, it is clear that they belive in building long term relationships with employees, supplies and communities. This show good business practice for River Island as a Company and is infact what customers expect.

How to incorporate CSR within Soul (my business)
As I stated abive it is important for a company to demonstrate responsible policies, I feel it is important that within my business I create consistency within my designs, effort and aiming to be successful. This would be achieved by maintaining a constant flow of clients and to build up sales. I feel that the development of the workfore is extremely important. This may be achieved by enhancing trust with my clients. 

Task 3:

Motion Graphics

Motion graphics are graphics that use video footage or animation technology to create the illusion of motion.

One of the first uses of the term ‘motion graphics’ was by animator John Whitney, who founded a company called Motion Graphics Inc. 

Another significant pioneered in the motion graphic industry is Saul Bass. His work marks the true beginning of what is now commonly referred to as motion graphics.

After seeing Kyle Cooper speak about imaginary forces I researched further. He is known as the most important title designers these days. He created the title sequence for SE7EN (1995), which was classed as a new art form. Cooper has inspired many younger and upcoming designers. Cooper’s unique style inspires the target aurdience and draws them into the film.

The design industry is at its peak with fast-moving computer generated world of animation. Motion graphics and hand made compositons are the current trends at the moment. These communicate to the target audience in a innovative and memorable way through advertising, movies, billboards and many more.

I feel that motion graphics has a future…by using effective movement to convey a message can be very powerful. Incorporating typeography, shapes and bold bright images can truly create something amazing.  Also 3D experiences are growing fast in todays world! From 3D TV's and films to 3D animation experiences!

Below are some example of motion graphics that really inspire me. 

Task 2:

Way Findings

So I was thinking about what sign system could be a lot more visually interesting than the everyday signs we see on the motorway or in the shopping malls. I then remembered, that when I went to Alton Towers a few months ago, I noticed how interesting the signs were and how well they worked according to the different areas in the park. First of all, wouldn't it be visually more exciting if our maps looked like the Alton Towers map. Imagine if on your Sat Nav driving around, you had a map that shows whats around you in a visually exciting way! Some people might disagree and say it would be very confusing. However it adds fun to every day life and would look great and playful. As we keep getting told "its very important to play."

Here are a few examples of the signs in the theme park. Personally I feel they work well and you get a feeling from the type about what area you will be entering. For example when somebody says your cuckoo it means your crazy or you going mad. When you see the sign for Cuckoo Land in Alton Towers you know the area will be crazy from the multi colours used and the crazy designs around the sign. Same way Kantanga Canyon sign is posted in a forest, giving it an earthy look. X-Sector is very bold and looks unusual and very technical. This is where the big rides are and it informs that there is no (x) way out!
Mutiny Bay is where there are pirates and water games. The type for this sign is very obvious as it has a serif and is in black with skulls on the sign. Usually when somebody says story time when you were younger it meant I was going to be listening to unrealistic princess fantasy land story tale. The sign shows exactly that in Alton Towers. Forbidden Valley gives an eery feel as you don't want to go into that area as it is forbidden! The sign for this is in red giving it a blood effect. I feel that the signs could be improved however they do give  great inclination of what to expect in that area. 

A few more signs that I found. First of all might I add that I feel sorry for the person who will be cleaning this sign up at the end of the day! Both signs are playful, bright coloured and clear to read. Imagine a world with fun, interesting signs. It would make life so much more playful! The oversized arrows are great. You definatley can't miss your turning. 

Task 1:


Typography is the art of arranging type, type design and modifying type glyphs. Type is considered a major part of promotional material and marketing. 
If typography is used properly a meaningful message can be conveyed and will strengthen the brand of your company. 
typography posters are very inspiring, and I hope that this semester I can improve on my use of typography.

In my opinion good typography is to do with shape, balance and the colour you use. Type now-a-days is the key to communicating with your market. Without great type there’s no hope for great design. 

Typeface I LOVE

Univers is a sans-serif typeface designed by Adrian Frutoger in 1954 and released by Deberny and Peignot in 1957. This was around the same time that Helvetica was released.
This typeface has a wide range of weights. Univers was one of the first typefaces where the weights were classified with a numerical system. For example Univers 55- the base font. Univers has a smaller x-height then Helvetica and the base font sets wider.
Currently, Univers type family consists of 44 faces, with 16 uniquely numbered weight, width, position combinations. 20 fonts have oblique positions. 8 fonts support Central European character set. (examples below)

It is known that Univers doesn’t work well with other sans serifs, however works very well with a range of serified fonts such as Baskerville.
This font has a very modern, contemporary feel to it and feel works best within art exhibitions etc.

Known as a Swiss design with a French heart!
As its weight increases, the personality becomes more apparent. The slight (but clearly visible) contrast in stroke weight, subtle angularity, and just the smallest hint of calligraphic brush stroke make Univers a typeface with a twinkle in its eye.
Allan HaleyUnivers

Typeface I HATE

Comic sans

Comis sans is a casual non-connecting script typeface. The typeface was designed by Vincet Connare. This typeface was designed in order to imitate the historical look of comic book lettering. It is known that many people do enjoy using comic sans, however for me I feel it is the worst font!

For me there are many typefaces that no matter how much you adapt or change the colour of it, it still looks awful and leaves a bitter taste for design.

In my opinion Comic Sans looks very homely and has a handwritten feel to it. I mean it is great I suppose for indiiduals who like that style. The font is very child-orientated, hense the fact this type was used for The  sims game. I feel that comic sans works well for toyshop signs. Anything with a more conceptual design element personally I feel should never use comic sans.

Words that come to mind when I see Comic Sans are childish, naïve, immature and bad taste.