An Object that describes me as a person

A Pearl

A pearl symbolises love, success and happiness. 
I love those who are close to me
I aspire to be successful
I'm just a happy person!!

You don't get a perfect shaped pearl....just like i'm not perfect!
Through my imperfections I learn in order to succeed and be happy (other characteristics)

Pearls come in a variety of colours for example pink, orange, white, black, blue and many more...which represent a variety of my moods...good and bad!
These different colours all have different characteristics. An orange pearl best describes me as it characteristics are... social, playful, warmth, desire, emotional, courage, success, relationships, power, happiness, strength, authority, endurance and stimulation.

So thats just me... a little pearl!!

What is Soul? Below I have created a mood board about I think Soul could mean...

Task 6:Discuss museum visit and topics of interest

Postmodernism exhibition at the V&A

"Postmodernism" the movement of art, which is usually seen as the most controversial of all movements.
I was fascinated by the work that I saw at the V&A. The exhibition was filled with bold and bright designs...not to mention a few very unique styles!

The beautiful image of Grace Jones revised by Jean Paul Goude, automatically caught my eye. I decided to research this image further. Whilst researching, it came to my attention that the position in which Grace Jones is standing in is a ballet move and is known as an Arabesque. It is a known fact..apparently...that this position is not only impressive however is impossible!
So how did Grace Jones do it?
Goude quotes 

"Unless you are extraordinarily supple, you cannot do this Arabesque. The main point is that Grace couldn't do it, and that's the basis of my entire work creating a credible illusion."

Goude photographed Grace Jones in a variety of positions using clear boxes to hold to up her body. He then combined the images in a montage, that created this amazing image. 

If you think, today that could be done in five minutes on photoshop...that just shows the power of the past!

Barney Bubbles-
Armed Forces Album Sleeve for Elvis Castello

For me this work was more inspirational than fascinating. I felt that the concept for an album sleeve to unfold and reveal something special inside was intriguing, in comparison to album sleeves today! (if anybody even buys albums nowadays!)
In my opinion this layout was very interesting and I related it to an idea that Courtney and I had for our RSA leaflets. 
The colours are bright and bold and they draw you in. 
When following up on this work, I came accross the whole album sleeve...back to front...folds to flaps!

The album doesn't open at the side but the four brightly designed flaps unfold.

This then unfolds like origami!!!

How fascinating is that!!

RSA-Mid Moment

Mid Life Moment


Design something that challenges the traditional notion of middle age and shifts focus toward the opportunities of mid-life. 

Research and Strategic Analysis


Dissecting the Brief-

Mid Life Moments :

Middle age, traditionally described between the ages 40-60, is frequently defined and discussed, but rarely something that people look forward to. It is often with resignation, rather than excitement that people accept being called middle-aged. The term itself is most commonly used in a pejorative sense and the self-awareness, stability and possibilities that arise in mid-life are not often promoted.

Key Concepts are to address middle age people and change the stigma of being middle age as a realization and a positive emotional experience.

Women aged 44-65 are the largest demographic group and are the only adult market with realistic prospects for significant sales growth, according to David Wolfe and Robert Synder, authors of Ageless Marketing: Strategies for Reaching the Hearts and Minds of the New Customer Majority. Middle-aged women thus represent a new consumer majority, and yet they are often overlooked when it comes to direct marketing and consumer target groups, despite their financial and cultural power.

Target Market: women in 44-65 and reaching them through ageless marketing. Evaluate consumer behaviour, expectations, social/ economical influence and psychology to reach untapped market.

how can designers add value to their life experience?

Your design solution should complement and support the range of mid-life lifestyles and improve the quality of life of people who are middle-aged. It should simultaneously delight, amuse, challenge and enlighten.

Approach- establish an uplifting campaign that can change the point of view of middle age women.
a)    redesign an existing organization to communicate to middle age women.
b)    Create new organization to address middle age needs and influence their lives in an uplifting way.

Understanding Ageless Marketing

Understand Target Market

Surviving a Middle Age Crisis Men going through a MLC

Magic of the Midlife Mind Biological understanding the brain of a person in mid-life.

What Midlife Crisis – what middle age men are more likely to buy

Online Dating Leaves Middle Aged Women Social stigma’s of being a middle aged women. “A survey this month found eight out of 10 women over 50 think they have become invisible to men. Seven out of 10 women in the study felt overlooked by the fashion industry, while three-quarters of women in their 60s believed they had lost their identity by being labeled as a ‘mum’.”

Inspirational Website GOOP

Why are so many women cursed by depression-Article on emotional wellbeing of middle aged women.

Our Target Market

Dragon Rouge, - establish new project for spa called Sanctuary, their target market would be for middle aged women.

Questionnaire for RSA Project

Our brief is to understand fashionable adult women as a consumer. Creating a website community for adult women that illustrates mental and emotional health. The questionnaire is to dissect their emotional and physical wants and needs.

Changes through women’s lifetime

Treat Yourself

1.     What do you look for in purchasing your clothing and or makeup?

2.     How do you feel like your style has changed over the years?

3.     What are the challenges now with finding clothes or make-up?

Feel better

4.     Do you feel that you at a physically health and active phase of your life?

5.     What do you do to keep your self physically and emotionally healthy?

6.     If you could make any improvements to your health what would they be?

7.     What would make you more physically and emotionally fulfilled?  Example: take a course at a college, join a book club, join a walk-a-thon for a charity, and or participate in a charity.

Be adventurous

8.     What are your weekly sporting activities?

9.     What do you consider an adventure?

10. What kind of an adventure would you like to do in the future?

11. What do you look for in a holiday?

London’s Biggest Conversation Radio Station

Constantly people perceive men going through a mid life crisis. Buying flashy cars, cheating on spouses and trying to be younger. What about women?
Women aged between 44-65 are persistently overlooked for going through mid-life crisis.

·      Have you as women ever experienced or known someone who’s experience a mid life crisis?

·      What obvious changes did they go through?

·      How did they deal with them?

Mid Life Questions

Mid Life Changes

1.     Do you constantly look back on the past?

2.     Do you have goals for the future?

3.     Are you excited about these changes?

4.     How do your goals differ from when you where in your late teens?

 Mid Life Crisis questions

How Children have influenced Mid Life Moment

1.     Do you have children and if so how old are they?

2.     How much time out of your day do you spend on your children?

3.     Out of your entire day, are your children the most exhausting part of your day?

4.     Do you feel persistently exhausted?

5.     Do you feel pre-menopausal or menopausal?

6.     How do you feel?

ON Street 1 out of 20 people will answer the survey.

OFF Street Emailing family and friends with in the demographic

FOCUS Group: Contacting Annabelle’s family and hosting a small gathering to discuss questions.

Company Names

Nifty Fifty

Life Begins at 50,


Mid Moment,

50 is the next best thing,


Age Redefined,

Loving Life At any Age.

Our top two choices for our brief are

Loving Life At Any Age.


Loving Life At Any Age

We want our concept to come across as sophisticated, bold, beautifull and chic. We feel that for our website, leaflets, advertising we can incorporate these ideas and portray  an excellent campaign. Our inspirational website is Goop. Goop incorporates a colour palette that we feel suits our target market. Our concept is aimed at 44+ year old women. 

Posters to show our concept:

Potential layouts for our website:

we have chosen to have 3 sub-titles 

-Treat yourself 
-Feel Better
 -Be Adventurous
For each subheading we decided to do a logo that goes with each phrase. 

We decided that for treat yourself a lilly would be most appropriate as they are colourful, beautiful and represent spa days!

For feel better we thought a stephascope would be appropriate and would suit the topics in which we would 
mention within that subheading.

For be adventurous we chose a jet, as it shows sophistication and is quite chic and of course represents vacations.

We decided to keep the logos white which gives a clean cut and feels somewhat chic and sophisticated, which are our main characteristics we want our website to portray. 

Below are some potential layouts for our sub pages within our age grouped pages....